Tight shoulders with arms overhead? Part 2!

A few weeks ago in this video I discussed how tight pectoral muscles could be a factor for tight or stiff shoulders overhead.

Today we are going to talk about “tight” latissimus dorsi. As with the Pecs, this could be a result of lots of working at a computer, or driving, or perhaps both. When you try to take the arms overhead this may prevent you from getting your arms up by your ears.

So - what to do about it?

  1. Start with a Muscle Energy Technique for your lats. Lie on your back on the floor, knees bent, and press the upper arms into the floor - just a gentle 20% contraction for 20 secs, 4 times. Be sure to test your arms overhead first so you can compare if this technique works for you.

  2. Strengthen your Deltoids with Lateral Raises - by working the opposing muscle we can get more release into the Latissimus - plus the added bonus of strengthening a muscle group that is essential for shoulder stability and health for everyday movement and your Undulations and other arm work in dance.

  3. Strengthen your Latissimus with Pulldowns - to build strength in the new range of motion to ensure you maintain it.

  4. Feeling brave? Take a ball (tennis ball, dog ball) or foam roller and lie on your side with the ball or roller in the side of your back or armpit to release them further. You might need to take some deep breaths with this one!

  5. If you are also experiencing Upper Back discomfort, I recommend strengthening your upper abdominals, i.e. a Pilates-style chest lift (on your back, hands behind the head, lift just the head and shoulders using upper abs, hold for a breath, then release.) This is to build stability in the spine and avoid compensating for the tightness with excessive spine extension

Want more?

I’m super excited - at the end of the month I’m relaunching my “Strong Shoulders and Amazing Arms” programme with new improved content based on my @biomechanicseducation studies. The 2019 version of the programme was a huge success with clients feeling relaxed in the neck and stronger in the shoulders - along with improving control and fluidity in arm undulations for dance.

Until now, the updates have only been available to my regular clients, so I’m really happy to be re-releasing this for everybody in a few weeks’ time!

Those on my mailing list will have access to early bird pricing, so if you are not on there you can sign up here and you will also get access to my free Amazing Arms mini-course to get you started.


Have a friend or dance partner who needs this? Let them know by sharing this blog or sending the video!


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