Pain Management Charlotte Wassell Pain Management Charlotte Wassell

Injuries suck!

Injuries suck.
So often they come when you’ve just got into a new exercise routine or movement practice. You’re feeling great, noticing positive changes in your body and its keeping you inspired to keep moving with the practice.

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Practice Tips Charlotte Wassell Practice Tips Charlotte Wassell

“I don’t wanna!!!”

For the last few weeks I’ve been trying something new with my training… This time round I was determined to nail it.. and as a result of perseverance and determination I’m really enjoying this new exercise.

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Practice Tips Charlotte Wassell Practice Tips Charlotte Wassell

Accountability Time

I have one client that has told me how much more valuable it is to work with me than have a gym membership - despite the latter being cheaper, the accountability she gets from working with me is worth its weight in gold.

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Pain Management Charlotte Wassell Pain Management Charlotte Wassell

Do you have a “sensitive alarm”?

If you have been in pain for a prolonged period of time, you may have received some treatment, such as from a chiropractor, physio or acupuncturist, or even had surgery, which may have worked in the short term, but longer term you are still experiencing symptoms.

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Pain Management Charlotte Wassell Pain Management Charlotte Wassell

How adaptable are you?

“I thought I was too old to make a change” is a quote from a 44-year old client recently. We’ve been working together since January and a painful hip that had been bothering her for years is now barely noticeable.

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Pain Management Charlotte Wassell Pain Management Charlotte Wassell

Pain Management Through Movement

When I began working as a movement coach a few years ago I wanted to help people improve their dancing through developing a regular strength & flexibility practice and was amazed to discover that I was also helping clients with back pain, knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain that they’d been suffering with for years.

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Practice Tips Charlotte Wassell Practice Tips Charlotte Wassell

5, 4, 3, 2, 1… BUNGEE!

One of the biggest barriers to creating a regular practice for my clients is time management… Have you ever planned to do a practice and when the time comes, you think “maybe I should finish these emails”…?

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